transform your


Whether you’re broken-hearted from a breakup, confused about what to text him, wondering why men disappear, casually dating and seeking a commitment, or feeling “stuck” and ready to level up your whole life – here you’ll find a tailor-made solution where I coach you, step-by-step, to get the result you want.


Trauma refers to deeply distressing or disturbing experiences that overwhelm an individual’s ability to cope. It can stem from various sources, such as accidents, abuse, violence etc. Trauma often leaves lasting emotional, psychological, and sometimes physical effects.


Relationships are the intricate connections we form with others, built on mutual understanding, trust, and emotional bonds. Whether with family, friends, romantic partners, or colleagues, relationships shape our lives profoundly.


Energy work encompasses a variety of holistic practices aimed at balancing, clearing, and enhancing the body’s energy systems to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.


Trauma refers to deeply distressing or disturbing experiences that overwhelm an individual’s ability to cope. It can stem from various sources, such as accidents, abuse, violence etc. Trauma often leaves lasting emotional, psychological, and sometimes physical effects.


Relationships are the intricate connections we form with others, built on mutual understanding, trust, and emotional bonds. Whether with family, friends, romantic partners, or colleagues, relationships shape our lives profoundly.


Energy work encompasses a variety of holistic practices aimed at balancing, clearing, and enhancing the body’s energy systems to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.


Herken je deze problemen

Relatie, hoe werkt dat precies? Wat kan je verwachten van mij

Wat voor uitkomst kan je verwachten

De prijzen? 


Wat Te Verwachten Binnen Een Relatietherapie Sessie

Als je overweegt om relatietherapie te volgen, vraag je je misschien af wat je kunt verwachten tijdens een sessie. Relatietherapie is ontworpen om koppels te helpen hun relatie te verbeteren, conflicten op te lossen en een dieper begrip van elkaar te ontwikkelen. Hier is een overzicht van wat je kunt verwachten tijdens een typische relatietherapiesessie.


De eerste sessie is meestal een kennismakingsfase. Tijdens deze sessie zal de therapeut zichzelf voorstellen en uitleggen hoe de therapie werkt. Dit is ook het moment waarop jij en je partner je zorgen, verwachtingen en doelen voor de therapie kunnen delen. De therapeut zal vragen stellen om een beter begrip te krijgen van de dynamiek binnen jullie relatie en de specifieke problemen die jullie ervaren.

Verheldering van Problemen

Na de kennismakingsfase gaat de therapeut dieper in op de specifieke problemen die jullie relatie beïnvloeden. Dit kan variëren van communicatieproblemen, vertrouwen, intieme kwesties, financiële spanningen, tot ouderschapsgeschillen. De therapeut zal proberen een duidelijk beeld te krijgen van deze problemen door open en eerlijke communicatie te bevorderen. Het is belangrijk dat beide partners zich gehoord en begrepen voelen tijdens deze fase.


Een belangrijk onderdeel van relatietherapie is het aanleren van effectieve communicatietechnieken. Veel relatieproblemen ontstaan door misverstanden en slechte communicatie. De therapeut kan oefeningen en technieken aanbieden om de communicatie tussen jou en je partner te verbeteren. Dit kan het leren van actief luisteren, het uiten van gevoelens op een constructieve manier, en het vermijden van beschuldigende taal omvatten.

Identificeren van Patronen

De therapeut zal helpen bij het identificeren van negatieve patronen in jullie interacties. Dit kunnen gedragspatronen zijn die bijdragen aan conflicten of afstand in de relatie. Door deze patronen te herkennen, kunnen jij en je partner beginnen met het werken aan gezondere manieren van interactie. Dit kan ook betekenen dat jullie leren omgaan met triggers die tot conflicten leiden en strategieën ontwikkelen om deze te de-escaleren.

Oefeningen en Huiswerk

Om de voortgang te bevorderen, kan de therapeut specifieke oefeningen of huiswerkopdrachten meegeven. Deze zijn bedoeld om de vaardigheden die jullie tijdens de sessies leren in de praktijk te brengen. Dit kan variëren van dagelijkse check-ins met je partner, gezamenlijke activiteiten, tot het bijhouden van een dagboek om emoties en gedachten te verwerken. Het doel van deze opdrachten is om de therapie buiten de sessies voort te zetten en positieve veranderingen te versterken.

Emotionele Verkenning

Relatietherapie biedt ook een veilige ruimte om emoties te verkennen en te uiten. Soms kunnen onderliggende emoties, zoals angst, verdriet of boosheid, de oorzaak zijn van conflicten. De therapeut kan technieken gebruiken om deze emoties naar boven te halen en te verwerken. Dit kan helpen om de emotionele band tussen jou en je partner te versterken en een dieper begrip van elkaars innerlijke wereld te krijgen.

Evaluatie van Voortgang

Regelmatige evaluaties zijn een belangrijk onderdeel van relatietherapie. De therapeut zal periodiek de voortgang bespreken en evalueren of de doelen van de therapie worden bereikt. Dit is een kans om te reflecteren op wat wel en niet werkt, en indien nodig, de aanpak aan te passen. Door regelmatig de voortgang te evalueren, kunnen jij en je partner ervoor zorgen dat jullie op de juiste weg zijn naar een gezondere en gelukkigere relatie.

Afronding en Nazorg

Als de therapie vordert en jullie doelen worden bereikt, zal de therapeut beginnen met het plannen van de afronding van de sessies. Dit omvat het bespreken van de stappen die jullie kunnen nemen om de behaalde resultaten te behouden en eventuele toekomstige problemen aan te pakken. De therapeut kan ook nazorgsessies voorstellen om de voortgang te ondersteunen en ervoor te zorgen dat jullie nieuwe vaardigheden blijven toepassen.

Relatietherapie kan een waardevol hulpmiddel zijn om de kwaliteit van je relatie te verbeteren en een dieper begrip en verbinding met je partner te ontwikkelen. Door open en eerlijk te communiceren, bereid te zijn om te leren en te groeien, en samen te werken met een ervaren therapeut, kunnen jij en je partner de uitdagingen binnen jullie relatie overwinnen en een sterkere, liefdevollere band opbouwen.

Ready to Get the LIFE You Deserve?

Here’s the Plan:


Your situation is unique to you. It is time you to choose for your self. We create a safe place where you dare to speak out.

Get Personalized Advice

I analyze your story and hand you only my most relevant and useful advice to your specific needs for you to create the perfect life.

INTEGRATE with Confidence

Put my advice into practice, create the life you deserve, and feel confident and in control of your own happiness, no matter what.

Let’s do this together…

Ready to Get the Love You Deserve?

Here’s the Plan:


Your situation is unique to you. It is time you to choose for your self. We create a safe place where you dare to speak out.

Get Personalized Advice

I analyze your story and hand you only my most relevant and useful advice to your specific needs for you to create the perfect life.


Put my advice into practice, create the life you deserve, and feel confident and in control of your own happiness, no matter what.

Let’s do this together…

Get More Than Just LIFE Advice

Fall In Love

With Your Life

It is time to share your story.
Schedule your free intake now!

Healing coaching blends traditional coaching techniques with approaches from various healing modalities such as mindfulness, energy work, and somatic therapy. Through holistic work we look at the whole and not at the different parts that make up something. Everything is interrelated and everything is connected. It focuses on addressing emotional wounds, trauma, and limiting beliefs to facilitate personal growth and transformation. 

In my coaching sessions, you can expect to engage in reflective exercises, guided meditations, visualization techniques, and somatic practices to access and process emotions stored in the body. I will create a safe and non-judgmental environment for you to explore your inner world and identify areas for healing and growth.

I help individuals work through a wide range of issues, including past trauma, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, relationship challenges, grief, and stress. It provides a supportive space for exploring emotions, releasing negative patterns, and fostering self-awareness.

There are individuals who still find this exciting. I understand this. That’s why you should book a free intake so that we can tackle this at your pace.

If you still find this too exciting. Feel free to send me a DM or email.

The timeline for seeing results in healing coaching varies depending on the complexity of your issues, your level of commitment, and the techniques used. Some clients may experience significant shifts after just a few sessions, while others may require longer-term support to achieve deeper healing.

The first treatment mostly take place online. But there are scenarios that individuals comes to the office when needed. When we are further along in the process, we can do exercises such as breathwork. These can take place in the office. The office is in Apeldoorn, The Netherlands. 

Unfortunately, it is not yet reimbursed through health insurance, which is why I offer a 50% discount on the first treatment. Every person is different. If the individual is not completely comfortable with his finances. Then discuss this and we can always look for a solution. Your well-being is more important than money.

My standard prices are €98,- ex 21% VAT. It is possible for freelancers or companies to reclaim VAT. Only temporarily I now offer a 50% discount for the first treatment. Schedule your free intake now above in the website or click here

raise your vibration

Fall in Love With Your Life

I’m here to support you in harnessing the power of spirituality and self-discovery to create a life of purpose. Fill in your email bellow to get in touch with my work.


In this altered state of consciousness, individuals are deeply relaxed and open to suggestion, allowing them to access their subconscious mind more readily. It is utilized therapeutically in various fields, including psychotherapy, pain management, and performance enhancement, to facilitate personal growth, healing, and positive change.


The masculine and feminine framework is a conceptual model  that can limit our individual expression. By looking back to our childhood dynamics we can see how this affect us in our current life.


Breathwork is a practice that involves conscious control and manipulation of breathing patterns to achieve specific physical, mental, and emotional benefits. Drawing from ancient traditions and modern therapeutic techniques, breathwork aims to harness the power of the breath to promote relaxation, stress reduction, and overall well-being.

My name is MILARDO and I help people expand their consciousness.

I went through my first spiritual awakening back in 2016 that changed my life. I learned meditation and started to question everything I “thought” about who I am. That propelled a journey of self-discovery of reading ton of books, attending workshops, working with experts in different fields, listening to seminars and going within to look for the answers.

Through that journey I let go of my painful past, dropped labels that didn’t serve, and become FREE of much of the autopilot beliefs I was operating from. From that point on, I have felt is my mission to empower other people to know that they are high vibrational beings that can become FREE of the past pain and past negative experiences.

I believe my life purpose is to raise my vibration and level of consciousness and to help others do it too. I believe that deep down, you are also on a journey of raising your vibration and that as you do, it changes the world.

My name is MILARDO and I help people expand their consciousness.

I went through my first spiritual awakening back in 2016 that changed my life. I learned meditation and started to question everything I “thought” about who I am. That propelled a journey of self-discovery of reading ton of books, attending workshops, working with experts in different fields, listening to seminars and going within to look for the answers.

Through that journey I let go of my painful past, dropped labels that didn’t serve, and become FREE of much of the autopilot beliefs I was operating from. From that point on, I have felt is my mission to empower other people to know that they are high vibrational beings that can become FREE of the past pain and past negative experiences.

I believe my life purpose is to raise my vibration and level of consciousness and to help others do it too. I believe that deep down, you are also on a journey of raising your vibration and that as you do, it changes the world.

Ready to Get the LIFE You Deserve?

Here’s the Plan:


Your situation is unique to you. It is time you to choose for your self. We create a safe place where you dare to speak out.

Get Personalized Advice

I analyze your story and hand you only my most relevant and useful advice to your specific needs for you to create the perfect life.

INTEGRATE with Confidence

Put my advice into practice, create the life you deserve, and feel confident and in control of your own happiness, no matter what.

Let’s do this together…

Ready to Get the Love You Deserve?

Here’s the Plan:


Your situation is unique to you. It is time you to choose for your self. We create a safe place where you dare to speak out.

Get Personalized Advice

I analyze your story and hand you only my most relevant and useful advice to your specific needs for you to create the perfect life.


Put my advice into practice, create the life you deserve, and feel confident and in control of your own happiness, no matter what.

Let’s do this together…

Get More Than Just LIFE Advice

Fall In Love

With Your Life

It is time to share your story.
Schedule your free intake now!

Healing coaching blends traditional coaching techniques with approaches from various healing modalities such as mindfulness, energy work, and somatic therapy. Through holistic work we look at the whole and not at the different parts that make up something. Everything is interrelated and everything is connected. It focuses on addressing emotional wounds, trauma, and limiting beliefs to facilitate personal growth and transformation. 

In my coaching sessions, you can expect to engage in reflective exercises, guided meditations, visualization techniques, and somatic practices to access and process emotions stored in the body. I will create a safe and non-judgmental environment for you to explore your inner world and identify areas for healing and growth.

I help individuals work through a wide range of issues, including past trauma, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, relationship challenges, grief, and stress. It provides a supportive space for exploring emotions, releasing negative patterns, and fostering self-awareness.

There are individuals who still find this exciting. I understand this. That’s why you should book a free intake so that we can tackle this at your pace.

If you still find this too exciting. Feel free to send me a DM or email.

The timeline for seeing results in healing coaching varies depending on the complexity of your issues, your level of commitment, and the techniques used. Some clients may experience significant shifts after just a few sessions, while others may require longer-term support to achieve deeper healing.

The first treatment mostly take place online. But there are scenarios that individuals comes to the office when needed. When we are further along in the process, we can do exercises such as breathwork. These can take place in the office. The office is in Apeldoorn, The Netherlands. 

Unfortunately, it is not yet reimbursed through health insurance, which is why I offer a 50% discount on the first treatment. Every person is different. If the individual is not completely comfortable with his finances. Then discuss this and we can always look for a solution. Your well-being is more important than money.

My standard prices are €98,- ex 21% VAT. It is possible for freelancers or companies to reclaim VAT. Only temporarily I now offer a 50% discount for the first treatment. Schedule your free intake now above in the website or click here


Poké Station

Stationsplein 82

7311 NX Apeldoorn

Tijden kunnen afwijken!

Dinsdag – Vrijdag 12:00 – 20:00

Zaterdag – Zondag 15:00 – 21:00


CASE STUDIES I will send you a PDF with problems that you may recognize yourself. Are they miracles or is there a solution behind it?

FREE 30 MIN INTAKE during this free intake session it is time you to choose for your own self.

PERSONAL PLAN OF APPROACH based on your story I create a personal plan of approach with technique and exercises that only is suitable for you.

50% OFF FOR THE FIRST TREATMENT so you can immediately start to integrate in your own life.

🔒 By clicking submit you consent for us or our partners, to contact you by mail, phone, text or email using automated technology to the data provided, even if the contact info is on a state or national DNC list. You also consent to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service


CASE STUDIES I will send you a PDF with problems that you may recognize yourself. Are they miracles or is there a solution behind it?

FREE 30 MIN INTAKE during this free intake session it is time you to choose for your own self.

PERSONAL PLAN OF APPROACH based on your story I create a personal plan of approach with technique and exercises that only is suitable for you.

50% OFF FOR THE FIRST TREATMENT so you can immediately start to integrate in your own life.

🔒 By clicking submit you consent for us or our partners, to contact you by mail, phone, text or email using automated technology to the data provided, even if the contact info is on a state or national DNC list. You also consent to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service